South Urals industry in 20—30s of the XX century. Scientific research

South Urals industry in 20—30s of the XX century. Scientific research

Andrey Tikhomirov

Industrial development of the South Urals in the years of the new economic policy and pre-war five-year plans is a topic of topical importance for modern Russia. Regardless of political preferences, the problem of the country’s modernization and its accelerated transformation into an industrially developed power comes to the foreground. In this regard, the search for fundamental trends and regularities of historical experience will help to better illuminate ways to solve modern problems.

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ISBN-10: 5-0053-4612-0

ISBN-13: 978-5-04-336940-6, 978-5-0053-4612-4

Язык книги: en

Возрастные ограничения: 12+

Издательсто: Издательские решения
Категория: История