The Slavdom. Indo-European Migrations

The Slavdom. Indo-European Migrations

Andrey Tikhomirov

Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Modern Slavs are divided into 3 groups: eastern, southern and western. Slavic languages are especially close to the group of Baltic languages, even a special Slavic-Baltic community (2—1 millennia BC) stands out. In even more ancient times, Slavic languages (4—3 millennia BC) were most likely closely associated with Iranian languages.

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ISBN-10: 5-04-234288-5, 5-4498-2704-0

ISBN-13: 978-5-04-234288-2, 978-5-4498-2704-3

Язык книги: en

Возрастные ограничения: 12+

Издательсто: Издательские решения
Категория: История