Ingram — Все книги издательства

Афоризмы и цитаты

ISBN-10: 1-4566-1850-4
The Essential Bertrand Russell Collection
Bertrand Russell

The Essential Bertrand Russell Collection

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от 220 ₽
The Atkins Diet and Philosophy
Группа авторов

The Atkins Diet and Philosophy

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от 1324 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-78168-528-2
The Philosophy of Praxis
Andrew Feenberg

The Philosophy of Praxis

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от 2205 ₽
Magic and Mystery in Tibet
Madame Alexandra David-Neel

Magic and Mystery in Tibet

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от 1101 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-5550-0
Symposium (Translated with an Introduction by Benjamin Jowett and a Preface by Friedrich Schleiermacher)

Symposium (Translated with an Introduction...

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от 367 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-6345-7


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от 294 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-59625-748-2
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals
Immanuel Kant

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics...

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от 294 ₽
Philosophical Writings of Peirce
Charles S. Peirce

Philosophical Writings of Peirce

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от 1174 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-5375-3
Discourse on Method and Meditations of First Philosophy (Translated by Elizabeth S. Haldane with an Introduction by A. D. Lindsay)
Рене Декарт

Discourse on Method and Meditations...

0+ en
от 367 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-3546-1
The Critique of Judgement (Part One, The Critique of Aesthetic Judgement)
Immanuel Kant

The Critique of Judgement (Part...

0+ en
от 220 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-78661-519-3
Reconsidering Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness
Christopher Peys

Reconsidering Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness

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от 3238 ₽
Facebook and Philosophy
Группа авторов

Facebook and Philosophy

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от 1472 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-5326-7806-1
Mental States and Conceptual Worlds
Jason Brown

Mental States and Conceptual Worlds

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от 2061 ₽
Disputers of the Tao
A.C. Graham

Disputers of the Tao

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от 3827 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-925819-97-3
Bringing Wisdom to Life
Anita Carter

Bringing Wisdom to Life

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от 588 ₽
Mutual Aid
Peter Kropotkin

Mutual Aid

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от 732 ₽
Hannibal Lecter and Philosophy
Группа авторов

Hannibal Lecter and Philosophy

0+ en
от 1472 ₽
Rawls Explained
Paul Voice

Rawls Explained

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от 1840 ₽
Belief and Make-Believe
George Albert Wells

Belief and Make-Believe

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от 1324 ₽
Frothingham Ellen


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от 880 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-64469-153-1
100 Conversations You Need to Have (Trilogy)
Perry Giuseppe Rizopoulos

100 Conversations You Need to...

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от 2573 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-5828-3
The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs
Friedrich Nietzsche

The Gay Science: With a...

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от 515 ₽
ISBN-10: 2-36017-002-3
A Collection of Advice
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa

A Collection of Advice

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от 883 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-61254-117-8
The Gift of the White Tigers
Dr. Joseph Di Ruzzo

The Gift of the White...

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от 294 ₽
Human, All-Too-Human
Friedrich Nietzsche

Human, All-Too-Human

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от 810 ₽
Girls and Philosophy
Группа авторов

Girls and Philosophy

0+ en
от 1472 ₽
Hip-Hop and Philosophy
Tommie Shelby

Hip-Hop and Philosophy

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от 1324 ₽
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy
James B. South

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and...

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от 1324 ₽
What Philosophy Can Tell You About Your Lover
Группа авторов

What Philosophy Can Tell You...

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от 1472 ₽
Halo and Philosophy
Luke Cuddy

Halo and Philosophy

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от 1472 ₽
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

0+ en
от 1469 ₽
Dune and Philosophy
Jeffery Nicholas

Dune and Philosophy

0+ en
от 1472 ₽
Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy
Группа авторов

Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy

0+ en
от 1472 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-6818-1
The Wisdom of Life and Counsels and Maxims
Arthur Schopenhauer

The Wisdom of Life and...

0+ en
от 515 ₽