Ingram — Все книги издательства


ISBN-10: 1-4798-3038-0
Группа авторов


0+ en
от 2209 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-78168-451-0
The Revenge of History
Seumas Milne

The Revenge of History

0+ en
от 1469 ₽
BAX 2016
Группа авторов

BAX 2016

0+ en
от 1177 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-5646-9
Poetics (Translated by Ingram Bywater with a Preface by Gilbert Murray)

Poetics (Translated by Ingram Bywater...

0+ en
от 294 ₽
Narcissism and the Literary Libido
Marshall W. Alcorn Jr.

Narcissism and the Literary Libido

0+ en
от 2061 ₽
Tom Stoppard


0+ en
от 1104 ₽
Great Short Stories by English and Irish Women
Группа авторов

Great Short Stories by English...

0+ en
от 953 ₽
The Proustian Quest
Группа авторов

The Proustian Quest

0+ en
от 1436 ₽
In Search of the Swan Maiden
Barbara Fass Leavy

In Search of the Swan...

0+ en
от 2135 ₽
ISBN-10: 87-7184-477-5
Simona Zetterberg Gjerlevsen


0+ da
от 515 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-78892-887-3
Directed Motivational Currents and Language Education
Christine Muir

Directed Motivational Currents and Language...

0+ en
от 2945 ₽
Native American Poetry
George W. Cronyn

Native American Poetry

0+ en
от 953 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-910460-25-7
The Club
Simon Akam

The Club

0+ en
от 220 ₽
Endgame and Act Without Words
Samuel Beckett

Endgame and Act Without Words

0+ en
от 1030 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4566-1282-4
Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House)
Terry JD Anderson

Rita Royale 2 (The Beach...

0+ en
от 438 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4798-2667-7
Contemporary Arab-American Literature
Carol Fadda-Conrey

Contemporary Arab-American Literature

0+ en
от 1840 ₽
All-Time Favorite Cowboy Stories
Группа авторов

All-Time Favorite Cowboy Stories

0+ en
от 659 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4344-4789-8
Intercultural Communication in Action
Группа авторов

Intercultural Communication in Action

0+ en
от 588 ₽
ISBN-10: 87-7124-829-3
Katrine FrokjAer Baunvig


0+ da
от 515 ₽
Swan, What Shores?
Veronica Lee Patterson

Swan, What Shores?

0+ en
от 1914 ₽
In the Beginning
Joel Hoffman

In the Beginning

0+ en
от 1988 ₽
Spoon River Anthology
Edgar Lee Masters

Spoon River Anthology

0+ en
от 71 ₽
ISBN-10: 87-7124-615-0
Kunst og konkurrence
Peter Heller Lutzen

Kunst og konkurrence

0+ da
от 1913 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4798-3989-2
Nihad Farooq


0+ en
от 2209 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4331-6599-6
The Faces of Depression in Literature
Группа авторов

The Faces of Depression in...

0+ en
от 6990 ₽
ISBN-10: 87-7124-629-0
Litteratur i bevAegelse
Dan Ringgaard

Litteratur i bevAegelse

0+ da
от 2355 ₽
Imagining Urban Futures
Carl Abbott

Imagining Urban Futures

0+ en
от 1766 ₽
ISBN-10: 87-7124-691-6
Sanselig senmiddelalder
Pil Dahlerup

Sanselig senmiddelalder

0+ da
от 4269 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-911469-62-2
Eternal Traffic
Mila Haugova

Eternal Traffic

0+ en
от 720 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-912565-83-8
Ali Lewis


0+ en
от 504 ₽
Russian Stories
Группа авторов

Russian Stories

0+ en
от 953 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68127-676-3
Lucky In Love
Michelle H. Rollins

Lucky In Love

0+ en
от 220 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4798-4541-8
Arabian Romantic
ʿAbdallah ibn Sbayyil

Arabian Romantic

0+ en
от 2577 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4209-5514-4
Essays and Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson (with an Introduction by Stuart P. Sherman)
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Essays and Poems by Ralph...

0+ en
от 588 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68280-939-0
5th Grade US History: Famous US Authors
Baby Professor

5th Grade US History: Famous...

0+ en
от 367 ₽
Selected Poetry, 1937–1990
João Cabral de Melo Neto

Selected Poetry, 1937–1990

0+ en
от 1030 ₽
Rights of Man
Thomas Paine

Rights of Man

0+ en
от 71 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-61811-950-8
Silent Love
Gerard de Vries

Silent Love

0+ en
от 1988 ₽
ISBN-10: 3-631-81072-5
Francisco Valdés en sus libros: estudio de la obra de un autor olvidado de la Edad de Plata
Guadalupe Nieto Caballero

Francisco Valdés en sus libros:...

0+ es
от 3383 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-55936-618-4
The American Theatre Reader
Группа авторов

The American Theatre Reader

0+ en
от 1840 ₽
Autobiography of Mark Twain
Mark Twain

Autobiography of Mark Twain

0+ en
от 2131 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-78211-455-6
More Letters of Note
Группа авторов

More Letters of Note

0+ en
от 1408 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-61593-018-3
Your Screenplay Sucks!
William Akers

Your Screenplay Sucks!

0+ en
от 1469 ₽
Tom Stoppard


0+ en
от 1177 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-59403-393-5
The Long March
Roger Kimball

The Long March

0+ en
от 1251 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-60235-686-6
Writing the Visual
Группа авторов

Writing the Visual

0+ en
от 1472 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-61593-080-9
Talk the Talk
Penny Penniston

Talk the Talk

0+ en
от 1837 ₽
Selected Readings on Transformational Theory
Noam Chomsky

Selected Readings on Transformational Theory

0+ en
от 953 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68326-058-9
What A Girl Wants
Third Cousins

What A Girl Wants

0+ en
от 367 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-55861-623-3
The Answer / La Respuesta (Expanded Edition)
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

The Answer / La Respuesta...

0+ en
от 1324 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62720-295-1
Bad Advice
John E. McIntyre

Bad Advice

0+ en
от 515 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-56689-359-3
Cross Worlds
Группа авторов

Cross Worlds

0+ en
от 1398 ₽
The Age of Phillis
Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

The Age of Phillis

0+ en
от 1619 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-4344-4912-2
Discovering H.P. Lovecraft
Darrell Schweitzer

Discovering H.P. Lovecraft

0+ en
от 367 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68185-036-2
English Fundamentals 1 (Speedy Study Guides)
Speedy Publishing

English Fundamentals 1 (Speedy Study...

0+ en
от 220 ₽
Expression and Truth
Lawrence Kramer

Expression and Truth

0+ en
от 2205 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68127-672-0
Taming Of the Savage Beast
Mindy A. Cohen

Taming Of the Savage Beast

0+ en
от 220 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-5287-6737-3
The English Poetic Mind
Charles Williams

The English Poetic Mind

0+ en
от 515 ₽
Write It Right
Ambrose Bierce

Write It Right

0+ en
от 438 ₽
Michele Leggott


0+ en
от 1104 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68127-655-0
Just Between Us
Alexandra Byfield

Just Between Us

0+ en
от 294 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68127-651-8
Don't Arrest Me!
Melinda Dillard

Don't Arrest Me!

0+ en
от 220 ₽
ISBN-10: 3-631-82698-2
Translating Audiovisuals in a Kaleidoscope of Languages
Группа авторов

Translating Audiovisuals in a Kaleidoscope...

0+ en
от 4193 ₽
American Women Poets in the 21st Century
Группа авторов

American Women Poets in the...

0+ en
от 1766 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-940660-32-7
Berlin Notebook
Joshua Weiner

Berlin Notebook

0+ en
от 441 ₽
The Moon and Sixpence
W. Somerset Maugham

The Moon and Sixpence

0+ en
от 438 ₽