Ingram — Все книги издательства

Все книги из серии «IOP Concise Physics»

ISBN-10: 1-62705-613-0
3D Scientific Visualization with Blender
Brian R. Kent

3D Scientific Visualization with Blender

0+ en
от 1545 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-625-4
Relativity, Symmetry and the Structure of the Quantum Theory
William H. Klink

Relativity, Symmetry and the Structure...

0+ en
от 3312 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-694-7
Skin Photoaging
Rui Yin

Skin Photoaging

0+ en
от 3312 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-707-2
Advanced Tokamak Stability Theory
Linjin Zheng

Advanced Tokamak Stability Theory

0+ en
от 2061 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-681-5
Visual Astronomy
Panos Photinos

Visual Astronomy

0+ en
от 1177 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-690-4
Nanoscopic Electrofocusing for Bio-Nanoelectronic Devices
Shanmugamurthy Lakshmanan

Nanoscopic Electrofocusing for Bio-Nanoelectronic Devices

0+ en
от 3312 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-307-7
Quantitative Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Juan A Colón Santana

Quantitative Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy

0+ en
от 3312 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-702-1
Designing Hybrid Nanoparticles
Maria Benelmekki

Designing Hybrid Nanoparticles

0+ en
от 3312 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-940-7
Atoms and Photons and Quanta, Oh My!
F Todd Baker

Atoms and Photons and Quanta,...

0+ en
от 1177 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-621-1
Python and Matplotlib Essentials for Scientists and Engineers
Matt A Wood

Python and Matplotlib Essentials for...

0+ en
от 1175 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-709-9
Modern Analytical Electromagnetic Homogenization
Akhlesh Lakhtakia

Modern Analytical Electromagnetic Homogenization

0+ en
от 2723 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-171-7
Nonlinear Optics of Photonic Crystals and Meta-Materials
Arthur R. McGurn

Nonlinear Optics of Photonic Crystals...

0+ en
от 3018 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-62705-629-7
Kinematic Labs with Mobile Devices
Jason M. Kinser

Kinematic Labs with Mobile Devices

0+ en
от 3312 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-148-2
Introduction to Focused Ion Beam Nanometrology
David C. Cox

Introduction to Focused Ion Beam...

0+ en
от 3018 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-143-1
Organ Printing
Dong-Woo Cho

Organ Printing

0+ en
от 2355 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-157-1
Computation in Science
Konrad Hinsen

Computation in Science

0+ en
от 2355 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-169-5
Structure and Evolution of Single Stars
James MacDonald

Structure and Evolution of Single...

0+ en
от 4122 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-010-9
Smart External Stimulus-Responsive Nanocarriers for Drug and Gene Delivery
Michael R Hamblin

Smart External Stimulus-Responsive Nanocarriers for...

0+ en
от 2723 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-258-6
Smart Internal Stimulus-Responsive Nanocarriers for Drug and Gene Delivery
Michael R Hamblin

Smart Internal Stimulus-Responsive Nanocarriers for...

0+ en
от 2723 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-164-4
Elementary Cosmology
James J Kolata

Elementary Cosmology

0+ en
от 2355 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-049-4
Order from Force
Jeffrey H Williams

Order from Force

0+ en
от 2723 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-038-9
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics
William A. Schwalm

Lectures on Selected Topics in...

0+ en
от 2134 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-153-9
Capture and Relaxation in Self-Assembled Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Robson Ferreira

Capture and Relaxation in Self-Assembled...

0+ en
от 2723 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-406-6
An Introduction to the Formalism of Quantum Information with Continuous Variables
Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch

An Introduction to the Formalism...

0+ en
от 3312 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-159-8
Networks on Networks
Allen G. Hunt

Networks on Networks

0+ en
от 3607 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-142-3
The Search and Discovery of the Higgs Boson
Luis Roberto Flores Castillo

The Search and Discovery of...

0+ en
от 2134 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-137-7
Nonlinear Optics of Photonic Crystals and Meta-Materials
Andrea Banfi

Nonlinear Optics of Photonic Crystals...

0+ en
от 2723 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-135-0
Matthew Baker


0+ en
от 2355 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-062-1
Physics of the Lorentz Group
Sibel Başkal

Physics of the Lorentz Group

0+ en
от 3018 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-266-7
Student Attitudes, Student Anxieties, and How to Address Them
Helge Kastrup

Student Attitudes, Student Anxieties, and...

0+ en
от 2134 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-147-4
Electromagnetics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Christopher M. Collins

Electromagnetics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

0+ en
от 2356 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-278-0
Women and Physics
Laura McCullough

Women and Physics

0+ en
от 1840 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-402-3
Searching for Habitable Worlds
Abel Méndez

Searching for Habitable Worlds

0+ en
от 1545 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-131-8
Physics and Video Analysis
Rhett Allain

Physics and Video Analysis

0+ en
от 1545 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-358-2
Explicit Symmetry Breaking in Electrodynamic Systems and Electromagnetic Radiation
Dhiraj Sinha

Explicit Symmetry Breaking in Electrodynamic...

0+ en
от 2134 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-180-6
Single Molecule Biophysics and Poisson Process Approach to Statistical Mechanics
Susanta K Sarkar

Single Molecule Biophysics and Poisson...

0+ en
от 1840 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-274-8
Fourier Ptychographic Imaging
Guoan Zheng

Fourier Ptychographic Imaging

0+ en
от 2355 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-179-2
Synchrotron Radiation
Jan-Erik Rubensson

Synchrotron Radiation

0+ en
от 2355 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-330-2
W R Matson


0+ en
от 2134 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-298-5
Fluids in Porous Media
Henk Huinink

Fluids in Porous Media

0+ en
от 2944 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-270-5
Searching for Dark Matter with Cosmic Gamma Rays
Andrea Albert

Searching for Dark Matter with...

0+ en
от 2134 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-181-4
The Butterfly in the Quantum World
Indubala I Satija

The Butterfly in the Quantum...

0+ en
от 2886 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-414-7
Essential Classical Mechanics for Device Physics
A F J Levi

Essential Classical Mechanics for Device...

0+ en
от 2356 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-410-4
Extragalactic Astrophysics
James R Webb

Extragalactic Astrophysics

0+ en
от 2650 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-434-1
Quantifying Measurement
Jeffrey H Williams

Quantifying Measurement

0+ en
от 2945 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-132-6
The Physics and Mathematics of MRI
Richard Ansorge

The Physics and Mathematics of...

0+ en
от 4123 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-282-9
A Handbook of Mathematical Methods and Problem-Solving Tools for Introductory Physics
Joshua F Whitney

A Handbook of Mathematical Methods...

0+ en
от 1767 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-426-0
Exploring physics with computer animation and PhysGL
T J Bensky

Exploring physics with computer animation...

0+ en
от 2945 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-430-9
Carolina C Ilie


0+ en
от 3534 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-302-7
Advanced Numerical Techniques for Photonic Crystals
Didier Felbacq

Advanced Numerical Techniques for Photonic...

0+ en
от 3239 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-173-3
An Introduction to Quantum Monte Carlo Methods
Tao Pang

An Introduction to Quantum Monte...

0+ en
от 2356 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-458-9
A Pedagogical Introduction to Electroweak Baryogenesis
Graham Albert White

A Pedagogical Introduction to Electroweak...

0+ en
от 3534 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-462-7
Excel VBA for Physicists
Bernard V Liengme

Excel VBA for Physicists

0+ en
от 2356 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-438-4
A Guided Tour of Light Beams
David S Simon

A Guided Tour of Light...

0+ en
от 2650 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-366-3
Understanding Sonoluminescence
Thomas Brennan

Understanding Sonoluminescence

0+ en
от 2356 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-338-8
Confocal Microscopy
Jian Liu Guo

Confocal Microscopy

0+ en
от 2356 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-446-5
Physics is…
F Todd Baker

Physics is…

0+ en
от 2061 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-64327-343-4
The Physics and Art of Photography, Volume 2
John Beaver

The Physics and Art of...

0+ en
от 14352 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-64327-749-9
The Globular Star Clusters of the Andromeda Galaxy
Charli M Sakari

The Globular Star Clusters of...

0+ en
от 2942 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-64327-301-9
Classical Mechanics, Volume 4
Gregory A DiLisi

Classical Mechanics, Volume 4

0+ en
от 2353 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-64327-481-3
The Mössbauer Effect
Richard A. Dunlap

The Mössbauer Effect

0+ en
от 2353 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-64327-349-3
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics
William A Schwalm

Lectures on Selected Topics in...

0+ en
от 2647 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-562-3
High Power Microwave Tubes
Vishal Kesari

High Power Microwave Tubes

0+ en
от 3239 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-582-8
Halo Nuclei
Jim Al-Khalili

Halo Nuclei

0+ en
от 2061 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-64327-307-8
Classical Mechanics, Volume 2
Gregory A DiLisi

Classical Mechanics, Volume 2

0+ en
от 3236 ₽
ISBN-10: 1-68174-442-2
Understanding the Magic of the Bicycle
Joseph W Connolly

Understanding the Magic of the...

0+ en
от 2061 ₽